Tips from working from home
I don’t even need to mention why most of us have been, or still are, working from home.
Certainly, this situation has some advantages, but if you aren’t careful you can be sucked into a black hole of notifications and sitting behind your laptop for fourteen hours a day (YEP I’M GUILTY).
Here are some tips that I think will help you manage working from home a bit easier.
· Get dressed: Getting dressed in the mornings is a signal to your mind and body that work is about to start. Although tempting, staying in your pyjamas all day can lead to lower productivity and motivation. So first things first, get dressed before you start working!
· Have a designated workspace or home office: The most important you want to achieve with this is a separation between your work-life and home-life. Try to always do your work in the same place, and once you are done, switch off your computer and leave it there until the start of your next day.
· Have a work schedule: This is very important. Decide how many hours you need to work every day, when you will start working and when you will stop. I would advise trying to stick to normal office hours because this will make it easier to communicate with colleagues. Follow this schedule as closely as possible.
· Create transitions into and out of work: Most of us used our daily commute to mentally prepare for the day ahead and to decompress afterwards. Now that you are at home all the time try to create habits to get you in the right headspace for work and different ones to help you signal the end of your day.
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